Riverside Baptist Church believes and preaches the gospel of the free and sovereign grace of God in the salvation of sinners, and seeks to gain the widest possible hearing for the truth of the Gospel. We further believe that an expository ministry which expounds the whole counsel of God is the only approach which consistently glorifies God in obedience to the gospel mandate. Finally, we hold that it is the clear mandate of God for the pastoral ministry to labor to bring every member to doctrinal and spiritual maturity for the glory of God.

Riverside Baptist Church, among many things, is an unaffiliated, fundamental, multi-cultural, non-charismatic, sovereign grace, historic Baptist Church located in the beautiful southern California.

Therefore we endeavor to reach our community with the gospel of Christ. Every month we have an organized neighborhood door knocking event to seek opportunities to share the good news of Christ. You might see us one day in your neighborhood, please don’t be a stranger!