On September 2, 1953, the Reverend Dennis J. Brown, D.D. founded the Riverside Baptist Temple with a vision to proclaim Christ Jesus in Riverside and its surrounding communities. Central in its inception was the admonishing and the teaching of every man with all wisdom, in order that the church may present every man complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28).

The current church building was finished and dedicated to the glory of God on December 10, 1967. In 1973, the church called Dr. Russell B. Gordon to be its pastor. Dr. Gordon envisioned a great growth of the ministry of the church starting with the men of the church who would develop other men serving the Lord, men who would replace the secularism cravings with the spiritual blessings of Jesus Christ. “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you” (Philippians 4:9).

(The church name was changed to Riverside Baptist Church in the ’90’s.)

Pastor Gordon was also professor at Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College which was at San Dimas, CA and he was Vice-President for Academics at Pacific Baptist College, which was at Pomona, CA. In 2019, after 46 years of faithful ministry at Riverside Baptist Church, Dr. Gordon retired. On January 6, 2019, the church called Christian J. Torres to be their pastor.

Dr. Dennis J. Brown, Pastor (1953-1973)
Dr. Russell B. Gordon, Pastor (1973-2019)
Rev. Christian J. Torres, Pastor (2019-present)